
我很高兴向大家介绍 我们的时间来领导:十大网络娱乐平台注册战略计划 2023-2026. This plan builds upon the work of the Doane 150 plan that was initiated but not fully implemented, 由于2019冠状病毒病和领导层的变化. Our current one-year strategic plan was a refresh of the Doane 150 plan and provided guidance during the 2023-2026 strategic planning process. This process created opportunities for all university stakeholders to share their vision for the future of Doane. 这些想法被纳入了计划的最终版本.

我们的时间领导战略计划 reflects our core 值 that permeate all of our strategic goals: 包容, 完整性, 创新, 和转换. In addition to the vision and 任务 statements, the plan includes a 目的: “我们培养领导者.” A taskforce with broad representation defined the principles incorporated in this 目的. 最后, 一个教师特别工作组详细介绍了十大网络娱乐平台注册的教育, 沉浸在文科中, 包括. 这些核心价值, 目的, 任务, 和视觉, 通过文科的视角来应用, 是否反映在我们的每一个战略目标中.

罗杰·休斯博士.D. '82


目的- - - - - -


十大网络娱乐平台注册’s 任务 is to create distinctive educational experiences, 沉浸在文科中, 让我们的学生在探究的基础上为职业和生活做好准备, 道德, 以及领导和服务全球社会的承诺.

愿景- - - - - -
十大网络娱乐平台注册 will be a comprehensive university recognized for innovation, valuing the liberal arts and professional studies in order to empower and prepare students for life, 职业生涯, 社区参与.

Doane 值 creating an environment in which all individuals and communities are able to fully participate, 属于, 以真实的方式茁壮成长.
完整性: Doane 值 ethical and principled decision-making and taking responsibility for one’s actions.
创新: Doane 值 forward thinking and the ability to develop and implement new or re-imagined ideas in a collaborative environment.
转换: Doane重视改善生活和发展潜力.

定义- - - - - -

  • 目的——我们做什么.
  • 使命——我们存在的意义.
  • 愿景-我们想成为什么样的人.
  • 价值观-实现任务的方法.
  • 目标——我们想要完成什么,为什么.
  • 战略——我们将如何实现我们的目标.
  • Tactics - Concrete actions and plans to accomplish the Strategies (timebound and measurable).
  • 过程-完成战术的步骤.
  • Metrics - Methods by which we measure the degree of success of goals, strategies, and tactics. 它可以是定量的,也可以是定性的.


Chab Weyers教育大楼


在十大网络娱乐平台注册 我们培养领导者 为了人生的成功,

L =学习
     Developing life-long learners who prioritize communication and inquiry.
E =权益
     Valuing equity, striving to eliminate disparities and promoting 访问ibility.
A =倡导
     Empowering individuals to positively advocate for themselves and others.
D =多样性
     Embracing and supporting diversity in all its forms through an intersectional lens.
E =道德
     Teaching and celebrating ethical decision making grounded in 完整性.
R =弹性
S =服务
     Cultivating empathy and compassion through ongoing acts of service.



十大网络娱乐平台注册, we see a liberated mind as the surest path to intellectual fulfillment and professional achievement. As such, we embrace the liberal arts as the core of our curriculum. We conceive the liberal arts to be an expansive educational approach designed to foster critical analysis of the world and self-realization of the individual. Through exposure to a liberal arts education, we expect our graduates to:

  1. Collaborate and lead with imagi国家 and humility born of understanding and appreciating multiple perspectives;
  2. 在一生中不断学习和成长, 他们的世界观变得越来越精致, 值, 和职业;
  3. 用韧性驾驭当代社会的复杂性, 完整性, 思想自由;
  4. 批判性和有效地讨论, 辩论, and deliberate the evolving issues of a constantly changing community, 国家, and world; and
  5. Identify and innovate opportunities to create value in their communities and in the broader world.





发展和支持我们的学术项目以吸引学生, 让他们沉浸在文科教育中, 为他们的事业和生活做好准备.


  1. 加强现有的学术规划.
  2. Explore new programs that are responsive to emerging opportunities and evolving student needs.
  3. 支持学生的学术经历.
  4. 为学生的职业生涯做好准备.
  5. Provide continuing education and professional development for 教职员工.


Create inclusive co-curricular experiences for all Doane students to increase student satisfaction and success by utilizing data-informed decisions to prepare leaders to work and serve in their communities.


  1. Strengthen co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to foster student growth outside of the classroom.
  2. 重视和促进健康 & wellness for the Doane community through the nine dimensions of wellness (Physical, 精神上的, 情感, 社会, 文化, 环境, 金融, 职业, 知识).
  3. 加强学生事务和教务处之间的凝聚力, internal and external stakeholders to foster students’ academic success.
  4. Develop opportunities for students to identify and develop their personal leadership philosophy, 风格和优势.


通过加强公平,培养一个繁荣的Doane社区, 归属感, 以及每个成员的参与.


  1. 增加对多元化学生的支持, 工作人员, 教师, and trustees–as our university community becomes more reflective of society– through policies, 有意注重包容性的流程和结构, 公平和准入.
  2. Continue diversifying curricular and co-curricular offerings and increase opportunities to engage with diversity, equity and inclusion available to university students across residential and non-residential campuses and among undergraduate and graduate students.
  3. Enhance professional development opportunities at all levels for students, 教职员工, 培养包容性领导能力.
  4. Continue strengthening and institutionalizing best practices in shared governance.


通过招生提高财务可持续性, 收入, 贡献, 费用管理, 以及战略性地分配资源以实现十大网络娱乐平台注册的使命.


  1. 寻求招生收入增长的机会.
  2. 寻求其他收入增长的机会.
  3. 制定和完成全面战役.
  4. 通过数据支持决策 & analytics including understanding our competitors and benchmarking to allocate resources and improve cost effectiveness.
  5. Modify and use the master plan to strategically use facilities and maintain physical assets.
  6. 提高品牌知名度.


利用技术来改善学生的体验, 提高员工工作效率, 增加校友参与度, 并将Doane定位为数字时代的教育领导者.


  1. 创建并投资于技术适应性计划, 数据分析, and environmental 维持ability to address technical debt and positively impact evolving needs for the future.
  2. 确保隐私, 访问, 网络安全, and data governance compliance in accordance with industry-standard rules, 规定, 以及相关的最佳实践.
  3. 强调专业发展,提高意识, 利用, 以及现有技术和新技术的创新, 整个系统的, 以数字为先,以数据为基础的文化.
  4. Develop a plan for innovation centers to be used as academic and economic development drivers to create new opportunities.


建立并加强与校友的关系, 社区合作伙伴, 行业领导者, 政府机构, and educational institutions to achieve strategic and mutually beneficial opportunities.


  1. 与我们的社区建立一个共同的对话,从中学习, 与敌人合作, 加深人际关系和意识.
  2. 建立综合性大学发展结构, 协调, 维持, and evaluate partnerships that prioritize community needs and are reflective of the diverse communities that we serve.


发展和支持我们的学术项目以吸引学生, 让他们沉浸在文科教育中, 为他们的事业和生活做好准备.


  1. 加强现有的学术规划.
  2. Explore new programs that are responsive to emerging opportunities and evolving student needs.
  3. 支持学生的学术经历.
  4. 为学生的职业生涯做好准备.
  5. Provide continuing education and professional development for 教职员工.


Create inclusive co-curricular experiences for all Doane students to increase student satisfaction and success by utilizing data-informed decisions to prepare leaders to work and serve in their communities.


  1. Strengthen co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to foster student growth outside of the classroom.
  2. 重视和促进健康 & wellness for the Doane community through the nine dimensions of wellness (Physical, 精神上的, 情感, 社会, 文化, 环境, 金融, 职业, 知识).
  3. 加强学生事务和教务处之间的凝聚力, internal and external stakeholders to foster students’ academic success.
  4. Develop opportunities for students to identify and develop their personal leadership philosophy, 风格和优势.


通过加强公平,培养一个繁荣的Doane社区, 归属感, 以及每个成员的参与.


  1. 增加对多元化学生的支持, 工作人员, 教师, and trustees–as our university community becomes more reflective of society– through policies, 有意注重包容性的流程和结构, 公平和准入.
  2. Continue diversifying curricular and co-curricular offerings and increase opportunities to engage with diversity, equity and inclusion available to university students across residential and non-residential campuses and among undergraduate and graduate students.
  3. Enhance professional development opportunities at all levels for students, 教职员工, 培养包容性领导能力.
  4. Continue strengthening and institutionalizing best practices in shared governance.


通过招生提高财务可持续性, 收入, 贡献, 费用管理, 以及战略性地分配资源以实现十大网络娱乐平台注册的使命.


  1. 寻求招生收入增长的机会.
  2. 寻求其他收入增长的机会.
  3. 制定和完成全面战役.
  4. 通过数据支持决策 & analytics including understanding our competitors and benchmarking to allocate resources and improve cost effectiveness.
  5. Modify and use the master plan to strategically use facilities and maintain physical assets.
  6. 提高品牌知名度.


利用技术来改善学生的体验, 提高员工工作效率, 增加校友参与度, 并将Doane定位为数字时代的教育领导者.


  1. 创建并投资于技术适应性计划, 数据分析, and environmental 维持ability to address technical debt and positively impact evolving needs for the future.
  2. 确保隐私, 访问, 网络安全, and data governance compliance in accordance with industry-standard rules, 规定, 以及相关的最佳实践.
  3. 强调专业发展,提高意识, 利用, 以及现有技术和新技术的创新, 整个系统的, 以数字为先,以数据为基础的文化.
  4. Develop a plan for innovation centers to be used as academic and economic development drivers to create new opportunities.


建立并加强与校友的关系, 社区合作伙伴, 行业领导者, 政府机构, and educational institutions to achieve strategic and mutually beneficial opportunities.


  1. 与我们的社区建立一个共同的对话,从中学习, 与敌人合作, 加深人际关系和意识.
  2. 建立综合性大学发展结构, 协调, 维持, and evaluate partnerships that prioritize community needs and are reflective of the diverse communities that we serve.